Sunday, June 16, 2013

Importance of Listening


There is a huge difference between "hearing" and "listening." Hearing is the physical ability in which the ears receive sound and transmit those waves to the brain. Listening is a skill that allows for comprehension of those sounds. It requires concentration. And it is essential for success in 
school and at work.

Image taken from google imágenes

 Listening skills are an important part of communication skills, although they haven't been given as much focus as speech or reading skills. However, it takes a good listener to create a good speaker. It's basic. A baby starts speaking after listening to the words parents and other adults or children say to the infant.

Listening is also important because it:

·  Occupies a big chunk of the time we spend communicating in the language. Think about the times you spend listening to others speak or listening to songs, news, lectures, YouTube, etc. Recent advances in technology have served to raise the profile of the listening skill in language teaching.

· Provides input that can be very significant for second language acquisition in general and for the development of the speaking skill in particular.

·Promotes non-linear processing of language and encourages learners to develop "holistic" strategies to texts.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Qualities of a good assessment

We need to take into account five important principles at the moment to design our tests. These are:

Image taken from google imagénes

In the following link, we can understand better the importance of all of these principles:

We must comprehend all about a good assessment because we as teachers are  responsible for help to create a better society.
Image taken from google imágenes

Assessment learning

There are many ways to assess the student's knowledges and skills. Many teachers thought that tests were the only and effective way to measure the students' learning.
However, there are other ways that not also measure their learning but it also provide a powerful understanding and feedback about their knowledge.
This video show us some useful ways to assess our students.
Enjoy it!!!!!

Test and Assessment